Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tee Shirts & Hats

Everyone at the kick off meeting received a tee shirt ad form.  This is a big part of fund raising for the year, and if successful will allow us to pay for things like the Big City Classic.  I'd like to close down the ad solicitation the next 2 weeks or so.  If you want to get a message on the shirt the time is now.

I met with Mrs. O'Such and John Brogan at Legends design today to nail down ideas for hats.  We have settled upon a crossed sticks and terrier paw design.  The team hat will be blue while the hat for fans and supporters will be white with a blue brim.  The team will be "earning their hats"- that is you get your hat when you have sold all your tee shirts, and handed in shirt money.  Hats for fans will be $15 and will be done in time for the event at Uncle Scotts.

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