Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chargers Newbies & HS Meeting

Last night at LDW school in Alexandria I got to help out with the Chargers new player orientation- which was for the 3rd grade team and and new players joining the program.  The numbers were great and it was nice to see some many young kids looking to play the nation's fastest growing sport. Coaches Donnelley, Kephart, Niebur, and Perez did a great job presenting.

At the High School level I was happy to see we have the return of several players who had been away from the program.  As a coach I want to everyone who plays as a freshman to graduate out of the program as a senior. Right now the program looks to have just over 40 players and are still rounding up guys here and there..  In the future I'd like to get closer to 60, but we have solid cores in each grade and from this we will build a successful program.  


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