Thursday, March 4, 2010


Parents working group- One of the best ideas to come out of last night was the suggestion that we form a parents working group.  Keeping DV Boys Lax rolling is a big job and to be honest there are a lot of ties I could use some help.  So I'd like to form a parents group.  There are lots of things they could do, the least of which is be a sounding board for me.  I'm sure this will help keep the lines of communication open.  If you interested please get in touch.

Coach Testa


Unknown said...

Coach has anyone volunteered for this? Last year I tried to help out making sandwiches on game days, but we need to communicate closely so I am not making sandwiches to be thrown out when games are changed last minute (happened a couple times last year) I need help from other parents too!! All the parent meetings have been when I work, so I've missed them all. :-(

Coach Testa said...

Jeanie Lisa Herter is coordinating food across all levels. Game cancellation are a beyond our control but we have a fridge and we won't throw any food away - we ate Fridays bagels Sat am this week.

Shoot me an email and I can get you in touch with Lisa.

Coach T

Unknown said...

Hi Coach, I haven't been on here in a while, just swamped. But I know Lisa and have her contact information!! Thanks. James will be good to go after May 1st!